Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quick, cheap and easy Halloween decorations.

I haven't quite been able to go all out with Halloween decorations like I planned on.
However, what I did accomplish was done in a single day.
It took a trip to the dollar store and a trip to the thrift store.
All of my inspiration was from Martha Stewart.
 Martha Stewart does Halloween it right!

I started out with the pumpkins that I painted here 
and some owls(Mia likes to photobomb)

 and glass jars that I already had up on the shelves.

From the dollar store I bought a few bags of plastic eyes, a package of small spiders, a package of spider silhouettes, two large spiders, two crows, spiderwebs and some red candlesticks. 
(Sorry I didn't take more pictures!)

I purchased four brass candle holders for $2.00, two large brown candle holders for $4.00
and a small, gold frame for $1.00 at the thrift store.

Since we use it so often, we have a large collection of spray paints.
This is one of my favorites.
It's Rust-oleum's flat, black enamel.
Since it's flat it sticks to pretty much any surface.
If you don't like the matte finish, you can also get some of Rust-oleum's Crystal Clear Enamel 
and it'll be glossy, just like that! 
I really like using matte colors and then spraying over them with clear. 
The matte paint works as a primer and makes the gloss stick better and look just a bit shinier than your average gloss spray paint, it also runs less so you wont have as many drips on your surface. 
There I go getting carried away with spray paint.

On to the more interesting things.
Here are the shelves I decorated.
Project cost:
Red Candles =$2.00
Brass Candle holders = $2.00
Large Brown Candle holders= $4.00
Gold frame = $1.00
Bags of Eyes = $4.00
Two bags of eyes = $2.00
Bag of Spiders = $1.00
Two Large Spiders = $2.00 ($1.00 each)
Two crows = $2.00 ($1.00 each)
Pumpkins = Already had ($1.00 each at Walmart)
Package of Spider Silhouettes = $1.00 
Gold Apples = Already had
Spray paint = Already had
Wreath = from previous post!
Total money spent:  Around $21.00 plus tax 
Just under $30 if you count the pumpkins.

This is the first year that I decided to get creative with our decorations.
I planned on doing more, but more projects just kept popping up.
I'm pretty happy with how the shelves turned out. 
I've got a few pumpkins and spider silhouettes around the house, but otherwise I think I'm done with decorating for Halloween.
You can bet I'm gonna go crazy for Christmas.
Mia's going to love it just as much as I am!
Speaking of Mia, I realized I didn't mention her in my last post and that just wont do!
So without further ado, here's my baby posing for all of you!

*Also, I'd like to mention that October 16th was the 1 year anniversary of my very first blog post.
You may view that here.
Thank YOU for keeping up with all of my posts and for finding what I say type interesting.
I hope I gave you some kind of inspiration or at least entertainment.
I'd love to have a guest blogger sometime soon so if you have any crafts, diy's, recipes or even rooms you wanna show off let me know! 
Thanks again everyone! <3

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